Another heart-warming interlude: some official Bagpuss stories you never knew about


Bagpuss, dear Bagpuss,

Old fat furry cat-puss.

Wake up and look at this thing that I bring.

Wake up, be bright.

Be golden and light.

Bagpuss, Oh hear what I sing.

Stop now if this means nothing to you. The rest of you, keep reading.

New Bagpuss

Following on from yesterday’s heartwarming interlude, today, in a sort of Advent’s Advent as we head into December, I thought we could warm the cockles of our hearts by listening to some new Bagpuss stories. Now, I don’t mean new in the same way that there’s a new series of The Clangers; I mean new in the sense that you probably won’t have encountered these stories, but they are all written and narrated by Oliver Postgate, just as the original Bagpuss stories were, and feature the original characters, too. However, he only recorded audio versions, so you’ll just have to close your eyes and imagine what went on Emily’s shop.

But four new Bagpuss stories? That doesn’t happen every day, does it?