Ironically, it’s quiet on the Western Front in the world of comics for Wonder Woman, except in The Legend of Wonder Woman where all guns are blazing there. But that’s the only comic out last week that featured our heroine – brace for the usual end-of-month deluge this week, though.
Of course, there has been a graphic novel – Wonder Woman: Earth One – Volume One, written by Grant Morrison with art by Yanick Paquette and Nathan Fairbairn. That’s been a long time in the making (indeed, rumour has it, the fact that Grant Morrison got the gig is one of the reasons Greg Rucka left DC quite some while back), but it’s been so lacking in advertising, I only noticed five minutes ago it had finally been released. Expect a review in a couple of weeks’ time, when I might have had a chance to read the rather large tome.
Also out in the US is Justice League vs Teen Titans, the latest movie from the DC animated universe that features, largely as guest stars most of the time, the Justice League. However, that’s not due out until May 21st in the UK, so I won’t review it until then.
The Legend of Wonder Woman #23
Steve and the allies are flying off to fight the Duke of Deception in Svalbard, making Diana realise that she’s made a mistake by giving up on Wonder Woman, since they’re doomed to die. With the help of Etta and the other sorority girls, Diana commandeers Steve’s old plane and flies off after him. Turns out it was a bit experimental and had a few rather familiar modifications…
But how is she going to fight the Duke of Deception, Priscilla Rich and whatever they’re excavating from under the ice when she no longer has the power of the gods? Tune in next issue…
Is it any good?
What’s to complain about? Nothing. Well researched, detailed, good characterisation and plenty of humour. Diana starts to acquire some personality. There are lots of lovely little details, such as Priscilla Rich’s arctic outfit. We have mythos nods, including the delightful introduction of the invisible plane, which the issue novelly inverts to make something of Steve’s rather than an Amazon construction as in Volume 1. We also have the sorority girls all learning to fight, inspired by Wonder Woman*, again as per Volume 1 when everyone went to Paradise Island to learn Amazon mind powers.
I should also say something about the artwork. We’re up to issue #23 of a weekly title with 20 or so pages each issue yet we still have Renae De Liz both writing and pencilling and Ray Dillon doing inks, colours and letters, both maintaining as high a standard as when they started. In the world of comics, this is nothing short of miraculous, considering how most titles only make it to about seven monthly issues before one or more of the team are off on their holidays.
All in all, even if I wish it were just a little bit edgier, it’s the best regular title featuring Wonder Woman that you can buy.
Rating: 7/7 (Artwork: 7/7)
*That is perhaps the one criticism of the storyline I have – Diana’s given up being Wonder Woman, but would someone so dedicated to sports, martial arts, etc suddenly give them up? I suppose being a nurse and working on the front line doesn’t give her that many opportunities, but there’s no sign of regret by Diana that she doesn’t get to do the things she liked as a girl any more. Minor quibble, though.
Disclaimer: Owing to the small fortune it would take to buy every single DC comic each week, this is not a guaranteed rundown of all the comics that feature Wonder Woman. If you know of any I’ve missed, email me or leave a comment below and I’ll cover them next week