The light has gone from my world. Yesterday afternoon, shortly after 4pm, my beautiful, wonderful, smart, funny, kind, caring, thoughtful beloved wife Sarah Helen Buckley née Barry – aka Lovely Wife on TMINE – passed away aged 47 after a short illness.
The moment we met at a Thursday night jiu jitsu class in January 1999, I knew something extraordinary had happened and I had encountered someone incredible. Who (or even ooh as we used to say?) else even knew about, let alone loved the Anthony Andrews/Jane Seymour Scarlet Pimpernel the way I did? But we soon proved to be each other’s soulmate and couldn’t imagine life without each other or how anyone so perfect for each other could exist.
The world is so much poorer now. She dedicated her life to helping others, whether it was her family, friends, the people who worked for her (who she always hoped were her friends as well), her students when she taught at City and Greenwich universities, everyone else in her profession and all the children she devoted herself to helping. She cared so much about every one of us.
I know that you must be in a good place now because no one deserves to be in Heaven more than you do.
I love you, Little Bear. I will always love you.