Between Two Ferns
Weekly Wonder Woman

Orange Thursday: Between Two Ferns: The Movie (2019) and Wonder Woman: Bloodlines (2019)

Looks like we made it. Or I thought so till today.

No, hang on. We really did. Look, it’s Thursday and here’s Orange Thursday.

A couple of odd ones this week. First up, we have a movie version of Zach Galifianakis celebrity chat show, Between Two Ferns. That’s the one where he sits with a guest between two ferns and insults them. How are they going to do a movie of that, hey?

And then, rolling like it’s 2018, it’s the return for one week – and one week only – of TMINE’s old feature, Weekly Wonder Woman, as we look at the release of new animated movie, Wonder Woman: Bloodlines, which tells the story of how Diana, princess of the Amazons, rescues a wounded pilot, Steve Trevor…

What do you mean you’ve already seen that like half a dozen times already? You have a point. Yet surprisingly, Wonder Woman: Bloodlines, is an origin story that should still be watched.

Both of those after the jump.

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Weekly Wonder Woman

What have you been watching? Including Titans and Nightflyers

It’s “What have you been watching?”, your chance to recommend to fellow TMINE readers anything you’ve been watching this week

WHYBW isn’t quite the proverbial frog in a pan of water, but the observant will have noticed that it’s been getting later each week. That’s not really a grand design, simply my current workload in action. I could pretend it’s so that I could watch all this week’s episodes of Nightflyers; I could also point out that it’s because there’s actually nothing much on Wednesday or Thursday nights in the US, whereas there’s oodles on Mondays and Tuesdays, so it currently makes more sense to have WHYBW on a Thursday or a Friday.

But fundamentally it’s an accident.

Anywhere, it’s Friday and here’s WHYBW! I’ve already watched a lot of the new shows that have come out since the last WHYBW, including Netflix’s 1983 and the first episode of the aforementioned Nightflyers, but it being Friday, a new batch has just come out, any or all of which could be a Boxset Monday or at least feature in a review next week: the third season of Fortitude, as well as Netflix’s Dogs of Berlin and The Hook-Up Plan.

But that means I’ll only be talking about the regulars after the jump: Black Lightning, DC’s Legends of Tomorrow, Happy Together and Titans. The observant will notice Doctor Who isn’t on that list. That’s because I haven’t watched it. Yes, I know it’s on Sundays, so I’ve had enough time, but honestly I’ve felt absolutely no pressing desire to watch it, particularly since all the reviews suggest it’s a particularly terrible episode. Maybe I’ll have watched it by next WHYBW, but I get the feeling I might actually be over Doctor Who – at least for now. It only took about 40 years, but there you go.

Continue reading “What have you been watching? Including Titans and Nightflyers”

Weekly Wonder Woman

Weekly Wonder Woman: Justice League Dark-Wonder Woman #1, Justice League #11, Heroes in Crisis #2, Drowned Earth #1

Every week (or fortnight) At least once a month, Sometimes, Weekly Wonder Woman keeps you up to date on everything involving DC Comics’ premier superheroine

Another week-long gap between WWWs (sorry about that), but she’s back this week, you’ll be glad to hear.

TV news

Fan of the 70 series? Then there’s good and bad news.

  • Stunt woman Kitty O’Neil, who used to double for Lynda Carter, has died.
  • Some props are up for sale. Fancy buying a steel bar that Wonder Woman bent?

Comics news

  • The 50th Anniversary Omnibus has changed its name to Wonder Woman: Diana Prince: Celebrating The ’60s Omnibus. Mind you, it now costs $150

Comics reviews

Three issues featured Diana in the past fortnight…

Continue reading “Weekly Wonder Woman: Justice League Dark-Wonder Woman #1, Justice League #11, Heroes in Crisis #2, Drowned Earth #1”

Weekly Wonder Woman

Weekly Wonder Woman: Wonder Woman #57, Justice League #10, Justice League Dark #4

Every week (or fortnight) At least once a month, Sometimes, Weekly Wonder Woman keeps you up to date on everything involving DC Comics’ premier superheroine

Work womped Weekly Wonder Woman last week, so time to play a slight bit of catch-up with both the news and reviews.

Film news

The release date of Wonder Woman 1984 has been pushed back seven months to June 5 2020, taking the summer slot from Mark Wahlberg’s The Six Billion Dollar Man. Not directing it is Zack Snyder, who not only originally had plans for three Justice League movies but is now releasing his storyboards for them as web comics.

Comics news

  • Apparently, for some reason best known to DC, there’s now not one but three writing teams for Wonder Woman and they’re writing… competitively.
  • Justice League Giant #4 is out exclusively at Walmart and features a Wonder Woman story set in the Bermuda Triangle.
  • No sooner than we have a run of digital comics to commemorate his death, than nu52 Superman pops up in Sideways #9. I wonder if he’ll make it as far as Wonder Woman…

Continue reading “Weekly Wonder Woman: Wonder Woman #57, Justice League #10, Justice League Dark #4”

Wonder Woman Sale
Weekly Wonder Woman

Weekly Wonder Woman: Wonder Woman #56

Every week (or fortnight) At least once a month, Sometimes, Weekly Wonder Woman keeps you up to date on everything involving DC Comics’ premier superheroine

And we’re back in the room. How did that happen? The last Weekly Wonder Woman was last week, there’s one this week… this would almost imply that Weekly Wonder Woman was weekly. That will never do. I’ll probably have to skip next week’s WWW simply to recover from the shock.

But we’re here now, so let’s have a look at what the past week has brought us in terms of Diana news.

Oh. Nada. Zilch. Zippo. Nothing.

Basically, there’s been no news. I think I used it all up last week.

But there have been comics. Let’s talk about them after the jump, although I should probably mention before then that Comixology is doing an 80% off sale on Wonder Woman comics. There’s quite a few decent and important titles in there including:

So grab them while you can.

Continue reading “Weekly Wonder Woman: Wonder Woman #56”