Chicago’s rapidly becoming a town where TV shows want to shoot. It’s been a while since The Loop and Prison Break‘s first season shot there, but The Chicago Code‘s there right now and a couple of pilots are shooting there as well. Cooper and Stone, starring Alex Breckenridge and Vanessa Ferlito (one of the original stars of CSI: NY), is randomly annoying the Chicago neighbourhood of Ravenswood Manor:
“Go back to L.A.,” one resident complained
Meanwhile, The Playboy Club – NBC’s female-oriented answer to Mad Men that’s set in a 1960s Playboy club just as women’s lib and the Pill are about to hit the world – is currently giving the city a make-over. Eddie Cibrian (who, continuing the CSI theme, was in CSI: Miami for all of a season) is running around Chicago in a whole load of Jon Hamm’s cast-offs:
Since the show’s aimed at women much more than men, I imagine this will be happening a lot:
However, given the setting of the show and since Amber Heard’s in it, I imagine men* will want to watch it, too:
You may ask where randomness comes into this. Well, guess where Amber gets her style advice from:
Yes, well known Mad Men envier and Lucky magazine’s “old reliable“, Ali Larter.
I wonder if that’s why Amber took the role?
* And gay women, obviously: