Just for old-times’ sake, here’s a couple of pictures of David Tennant sitting down – this time, it’s from the first read-through for series two of Broadchurch. He’s got the US remake, Gracepoint, coming up soon, too. I wonder if he’s just going to keep doing the same series, just in different countries from now on?
Just for old-times’ sake, here’s a couple of pictures of David Tennant sitting down – this time, it’s from the first read-through for series two of Broadchurch. He’s got the US remake, Gracepoint, coming up soon, too. I wonder if he’s just going to keep doing the same series, just in different countries from now on?
It’s the end, but the moment has been prepared for. Yes, it’s the final Sitting Tennant of 2012 and time to announce the winners of the 2012 picture competition. First, let’s tally up the points for December.
Toby, Hebbie, Sister Chastity: 20
Yes, everyone wins in December! Isn’t that nice?
But since this is the December, it’s also time to tot up the points and work out who’s the overall winner of 2012. Win a full nine months of wins to her name, it shouldn’t come as any surprise that top of the picture pops for 2012 is Sister Chastity. It’s her second win and well deserved, after a couple of years of just being pipped at the post by others. A big round of applause to her, if you please!
But tis a sad day, because this marks the end after nearly five years of Sitting Tennant. There simply aren’t enough people feeling inspired enough to send in pictures of David Tennant sitting down any more, it seems. Would you believe it?
It’s been a great run and I’d like to thank everyone who’s ever contributed so much as a single photo to the competition over the years, but particularly those frequent contributors who’ve made it such a blast to run over the last few years, including Ms Rullsenberg, Toby, Sister Chastity, Erin C, Rachel, Sabine, Janice, Jaradel, Rosby, Persephone, Silohforever and Hebbie. Hey, do you remember this?
I’m not saying I’ll never publish another picture of David Tennant sitting down, but this marks the end of the competition at least. If you’ve any ideas for other competitions, or who else you’d like to see sitting down a lot, please let me know.
Those who have triumphed over the years will, of course, be remembered always:
It’s Christmas so I think it’s only fitting that the last ever winner of the Sitting Tennant 10 points for best picture of the week should go to this one from Sister Chastity. A big well done to her!
Tune in on Friday for the final ever selection of pictures, the announcement of the winner of Sitting Tennant 2012, and a celebration of Sitting Tennants past.
Toby, Hebbie, Sister Chastity: 15
Sitting Board of Winners 2012 January
Hebbie, Sister Chastity
Sister Chastity
Sister Chastity
Sister Chastity, Shilohforever
Hebbie, Sister Chastity
Hebbie, Sister Chastity
Toby, Sister Chastity
Hebbie, Sister Chastity
Hebbie, Toby
Got a picture of David Tennant sitting, lying down or in some indeterminate state in between? Then leave a link to it below or email me and if it’s judged suitable and doesn’t obviously infringe copyright, it will appear in the “Sitting Tennant” gallery. Don’t forget to include your name in the filename so I don’t get mixed up about who sent it to me.
The best pic in the stash each week will appear on Tuesday and get ten points; the runners up will appear on Friday (one per person who sends one in) and get five points.
Each month, I’ll name the best picture provider and then at the end of the year, the overall champion will be announced for 2012!
Brace yourself: next week is the last week of Sitting Tennant. The final winner of 10 points for a top Sitting Tennant will be announced on Tuesday so now’s your last chance to send one in!
Toby, Hebbie: 15
Sister Chastity: 5
Sitting Board of Winners 2012 January
Hebbie, Sister Chastity
Sister Chastity
Sister Chastity
Sister Chastity, Shilohforever
Hebbie, Sister Chastity
Hebbie, Sister Chastity
Toby, Sister Chastity
Hebbie, Sister Chastity
Hebbie, Toby
Got a picture of David Tennant sitting, lying down or in some indeterminate state in between? Then leave a link to it below or email me and if it’s judged suitable and doesn’t obviously infringe copyright, it will appear in the “Sitting Tennant” gallery. Don’t forget to include your name in the filename so I don’t get mixed up about who sent it to me.
The best pic in the stash each week will appear on Tuesday and get ten points; the runners up will appear on Friday (one per person who sends one in) and get five points.
Each month, I’ll name the best picture provider and then at the end of the year, the overall champion will be announced for 2012!