In Canada: Thursdays, 9/8c, Global Television
Despite her odd name and the fact she’s always tended to play characters you’re supposed to hate, I’ve always kind of liked Missy Perygrym. She was probably the most interesting of the ‘kids’ in Carlton Cuse’s old martial arts show Black Sash and she was plausibly interesting as the post-pilot love-interest on Reaper.So I’m quite pleased to see she has her own show now. Okay, it’s a Canadian show getting simulcast on ABC in the US; it’s also an ensemble piece about rookie cops just starting out on the job; and most of the time, her character is a bit of an idiot.
But it’s actually quite enjoyable; really, she’s the star of the show; and despite the general backdrop of drug dealers and murders, it’s all Canadian and fluffy and nice. Here are some trailers, both a little spoiler-laden for the second episode and beyond – if you look hard, you’ll notice the second trailer carries the show’s original, very Canadian title, Copper:
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