Engrenages season 6

What have you been watching? Including Doctor Who, Engrenages (Spiral), Great News, Runaways and Happy!

It’s “What have you been watching?”, your chance to recommend anything you’ve been watching this weekfortnight

Christmas didn’t bring us that much new tele, did it? A few one-offs on the Beeb, but nothing scripted that really appealed – at least, not to me. But things will be kicking off again soon, at least. I’ve already reviewed Netflix’s Dark this week and gave you a hint at what other shows are yet to come, but just last night we got the start of Fox (US)’s LA to Vegas and tonight we’ll have 9-1-1 from the same network, too, so add those to the list as well.

But it does mean that despite covering a fortnight’s worth of tele, the first WHYBW of 2018 is going to be a relatively brief affair – at least from me, but I’m sure you’ve all caught something I’ve missed. After the jump, we’ll look at NBC (US)’s splurge of three episodes of Great News, the latest episodes of Happy! and Marvel’s Runaways, the Christmas-regeneration episode of Doctor Who and the welcome return to UK screens of France’s best TV show – Engrenages (Spiral). But that’s your lot. Roll on 2018 and fresh meat!

Continue reading “What have you been watching? Including Doctor Who, Engrenages (Spiral), Great News, Runaways and Happy!”

Netflix's Dark
Streaming TV

Boxset Tuesday: Dark (season 1) (Netflix)

German TV is on something of a roll at the moment, thanks to the likes of Deutschland 83 and Babylon Berlin. With Amazon also already having aired its first German-language original, You Are Wanted, it’s no surprise that Netflix would want to get in on the act, too; it’s also unsurprising that being Netflix, Dark is substantially better than Amazon’s efforts.

What is surprising is that whether deliberately or not, Dark is probably the most German TV show imaginable.

Set in the small rural town of Winden (none of the real ones) in 2019, it opens with the suicide of a respected and loved father, who leaves a letter that must not be opened until a few months after his death.

Not that this is the first tragedy to strike the town. A child has already gone missing that year and just a few days short of the date on the letter, a third child disappears and a mutilated body is soon found. Except it’s a child who disappeared in 1986 and it’s as if not a day has passed for him. What’s going on?

So far, so not especially German, for sure, but by the end of the first season, this Groundhog Day meets Back to the Future 2 meets Saw has gone through a gamut of German concerns and interests, from myth and the power of the woods and nature, through atomic energy and acid rain, to Nietzsche’s nihilism and Goethe’s fatalism, all with just a hint of 80s nostalgia (not Ostalgie, though). It also tries to address that perennial German-related time travel morality question: if you could travel back in time to kill Hitler when he was just a child, would you? And if you did, would it change anything or would Time somehow still conspire to find a way for history to continue on the same course?

Yes, Dark is indeed dark. So, are you going to like it? Well, that’s another matter. A full review of the entire first season after this lovely trailer – some minor spoilers ahoy.


Continue reading “Boxset Tuesday: Dark (season 1) (Netflix)”

Burg Kino

The next week (or two) on TMINE: The Crown, Dark, Britannia, Counterpart ,The Chi, Alone Together + more!

Hello, lovely reader! Hope all’s good with you and you’re feeling rested after a lovely relaxing Christmas/New Year’s Break. Or maybe you had to work like a bastard – sorry, if you did.

As followers of either TMINE’s shiny new Facebook page or nascent Instagram feed will know, I’ve been in Austria for a week. Ironically, there wasn’t a lot to watch on Austrian TV, so I’ve managed to stay pretty much up to date with everywhere else’s TV, though. The trick is going to be finding the time to write about it all.

So as well as the regulars – including WHYBW, WWW and When’s that show you mentioned starting, TMINE? – expect reviews and previews of the following new shows some time in the next fortnight:

  • Season 2 of Netflix’s The Crown
  • Season 1 of Netflix’s Dark
  • A preview of season 1 of Sky Atlantic’s Britannia
  • A preview of Showtime (US)’s The Chi
  • A preview of Starz (US)’s Counterpart
  • A preview of Freeform (US)’s Alone Together
  • A review of Stan (Australia)’s Romper Stomper
  • Reviews of any other new shows that pop up on my radar in that time
Mad About You

The Disappearance acquired; White Famous cancelled; She’s Gotta Have It renewed; + more

Happy New Year! Get any nice presents for Christmas?

Internet TV

Scandinavian TV

  • Teaser for season 2 of RVK (Iceland)’s Ófærð (Trapped)



US TV show casting

New US TV shows