One of the greatest of all Doctor Who writers was Robert Holmes. Creator (to varying degrees) of the Autons, the Master, the Sontarans, virtually everything to do with the Time Lords and sundry other Doctor Who arkana, he also wrote perhaps the best ever story, Caves of Androzani; no lesser person than Russell T Davies thinks he wrote some of the best dialogue in British television history.
However, his first piece of Who writing was a particularly arse piece of work for Patrick Troughton. The Krotons, which starred Welsh god Philip Madoc in the first of his many Who appearances, was a slightly dull piece originally intended to be a serial in its own right. It featured the Doctor, Zoe and Jamie landing on a planet run by South African monsters who want to drain the brains of the intelligent natives. And that was about it. For four episodes.
Here, after no particular clamouring that I’ve detected, is the triumphant return of the Krotons. A bonus play for subscribers to Big Finish’s plays, it’s written by, directed by and stars Nick Briggs and also features the sixth Doctor and Charley – and Philip Madoc, even if he isn’t playing the same part as in the original.
Good job it’s free though.
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