Was that overselling it a bit, I wonder?
- Brad Pitt as He-Man??
Audio Plays
- A 36-part audio Blake’s 7 series is now up on the SciFi Channel web site. Features none of the original cast, but does include Colin Salmon, Daniela Nardini, Michael Praed and Rula Lenska
- Orlando Bloom will make his West End debut in David Storey’s In Celebration
British TV
- Sir Alan likes his latest apprentices more than he did last year’s
- News 24 is now available streamed from the BBC web site
- Dramas about reality TV: now I’m confused [free registration required]
- Veronica Mars‘ renewal chances are improving all the time
- The latest 24 casualty asked for it
- Long hiatuses are bad, TV execs have decided
- The last two episodes of Drive will air on July 4