Better, no? Still tinged with a certain amount of pants-ness and the acting is getting noticeably worse, but still better than the last two episodes anyway.
Re: the swearing. If they actually swore consistently – or went for it full-on like proper Welsh people – I’m not sure it would be an issue for anyone, except those who don’t like swearing. At the moment, every time someone swears, it’s like someone in the middle of the set holds up a placard with “Bum” written on it.
Nevertheless, at least it’s improving.
I’m Rob Buckley, a journalist who writes for UK media magazines that most people have never heard of although you might have heard me on the podcast Lockdown Land or Radio 5 Live’s Saturday Edition or Afternoon Edition. I’ve edited Dreamwatch, Sprocket and Cambridge Film Festival Daily; been technical editor for TV producers magazine Televisual; reviewed films for the short-lived newspaper Cambridge Insider; written features for the even shorter-lived newspaper Soho Independent; and was regularly sarcastic about television on the blink-and-you-missed-it “web site for urban hedonists” The Tribe. Since going freelance, I've contributed to the likes of Broadcast, Total Content + Media, Action TV, Off The Telly, Action Network, TV Scoop and The Custard TV.
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