It’s “What have you been watching?”, your chance to recommend to fellow TMINE readers anything you’ve been watching this week
Netflix’s Plan cœur
This week’s reviews
Yep, Thursday again. Thought I’d have a proper day off yesterday. Schedule therefore screwed, even if I am now somewhat refreshed.
This week, even though I didn’t manage to Orange Thursday after all, I did at least get around to reviewing season two of Netflix’s Plan cœur (The Hookup Plan) for Boxset Monday. Otherwise, that was it – work was a bit mad, plus it turned out that Amazon’s release of The Feed was US only. Duh.
But fingers crossed, it’ll be easier next week.
Apple TV+’s Servant
What’s coming this week
Barring miracles, there won’t be an Orange Thursday today, but there will be next week, you’ll be happy to hear. I really will be covering The Fear of God, as well as The Philadelphia Experiment (no, not that one). Or maybe something else. But that’s the baseline.
It being Thanksgiving in the US today, and with Christmas just round the corner, it’s going to be a bit quiet TV-wise for the next few days, though, but Apple has just released the first three episodes of Servant, so that’ll be this week’s Boxset Monday. Fingers crossed.
Mr InBetween
The regulars
After the jump, we’ll be talking about the latest episodes of the regulars: Dollface, Evil,The Mandalorian, Mr Robot, Silicon Valley, Stumptown, Titans, Treadstone and Watchmen, as well as the season finale of Mr InBetween and two episodes of For All Mankind, seeing as Apple put a new one out today, a day early.
However, one of those is now just so bad, I can’t be bothered to watch it any more. Can you guess which?
On top of that, we’ll also be discussing the first episode of Spectrum’s revival of Mad About You. The new Will & Grace it is not.
It’s “What have you been watching?”, your chance to recommend to fellow TMINE readers anything you’ve been watching this week
The Laundromat
This week’s reviews
Last week, I reserved the right to relocate WHYBW to Thursday. I was wise. As you can see. Work has been busy.
That didn’t stop me reviewing The Laundromat for Orange Thursday, and The Mandalorian (Disney+), though, but it did mean I’ve not discussed the second season of Netflix’s Plan Cœur (The Hookup Plan) as I’d hoped and I’ll only be discussing the first three episodes of Hulu (US)’s Dollface after the jump, rather than all 10.
The Exorcist
What’s coming this week
Orange Thursday, tomorrow (I know), will take in The Fear of God: 25 Years of the Exorcist (1999) – gods willing – and maybe another movie if I manage to watch one tonight.
Work’s a little busy again Monday and Tuesday, but fingers crossed I’ll be able to talk about Plan Cœur. Or something else: Amazon has The Feed coming, and Netflix has Dolly Parton’s Heartstrings, but there’s no way on Earth I’m watching that. Spectrum’s Mad About You revival has six episodes for our delectation, but we’ll maybe see about watching that. It is Spectrum, after all.
Total Control
The regulars
After the jump, as well as Dollface, we’ll be talking about the regulars (pretending for a moment that there was no TV on last night that I could have watched): Evil,For All Mankind, Mr InBetween, Mr Robot, Silicon Valley, Titans and Watchmen. Stumptown took another break last week, you’ll notice.
We also have two season finales to consider – Engrenages (Spiral) and Total Control – and there’s another Star Trek: Short Trek to mull over, too.
It’s “What have you been watching?”, your chance to recommend to fellow TMINE readers anything you’ve been watching this week
Apple TV+’s For All Mankind
This week’s reviews
Oops. Yes, I know WHYBW is supposed to be on Wednesdays and Orange Thursdays on Thursdays. I didn’t forget. I just had to work late yesterday. Can you imagine that?
Anyway, it’s here now and tomorrow will be a slightly belated Orange Thursday, I hope. More on that in a mo, though.
I’m going to try to do Orange Thursday, tomorrow, work willing. Up on the cinema bill is Doctor Sleep (2019) plus whatever I decide to watch tonight.
We’re a bit light for new TV shows this week, however, which means I’ll be turning my viewing eye over the weekend to consider some of the streaming backlog: Apple TV+’s The Morning Show, See and Dickinson; Amazon’s Modern Love; the second seasons of Netflix’s The Hookup Plan and The Kominsky Method; and season one of Beau Séjour (Belgium: Éen; UK: Walter Presents). Maybe I’ll only manage one show, but let’s aim for two.
I might also give the BBC a call and see if they’ll let me preview Vienna Blood. That might be nice, hey? It doesn’t start until the 25th, though, so I might wait. There’s probably an embargo, too.
But brace yourselves, because less than two weeks after the arrival of Apple TV+, we’re going to see another giant wade into the TV streaming pool next Tuesday in the US: Disney is plussing itself, too, to give us Disney+. That’ll offer us the likes of Star Wars: The Mandalorian amongst other things.
I’ll be reviewing that, I suspect.
HBO’s Watchmen
The regulars
Of last night’s TV, I’ve only watched Treadstone, so let’s save this week’s Stumptown to next Wednesday. Otherwise, with Evil taking Halloween off, this week’s viewing queue is: Engrenages (Spiral), Mr InBetween, Mr Robot, Silicon Valley, Titans, Total Control, Treadstone and Watchmen. And last week’s Stumptown.
See you after the jump, together with a brief reviewette of HBO’s Mrs Fletcher.
It’s “What have you been watching?”, your chance to recommend to fellow TMINE readers anything you’ve been watching this week
This week’s reviews
Since I took the radical move of having a day off on Friday (and most of Thursday), it’s been a slightly reviews-light week this week. However, I did cover the whole of season two of Impulse (YouTube), which you should definitely watch. Never mind the width – feel the quality.
The Morning Show
What’s coming this week
The aforementioned day off meant I actually had some time to watch a couple of movies this week, so Orange Thursday tomorrow will be taking in both Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019) and Terminator: Dark Fate (2019).
Friday is, of course, November 1, but it’s also the beginning of Fall 2019 – Part Three, since as well as Amazon giving us the second season of Tom Clancy’s Jack Ryan, Apple is finally launching its Apple TV+ streaming service with no fewer than four new series: The Morning Show, See, Dickinson and For All Mankind.
Which of those will be Boxset Monday and/or Tuesday, I can’t say, but I suspect it’ll be either Tom Clancy’s Jack Ryan or For All Mankind. Or both.
And I still might get round to watching season one of Modern Love (Amazon), season two of The Hookup Plan (Netflix), season one of Beau Séjour (Belgium: Éen; UK: Walter Presents) or season two of The Kominsky Method (Netflix).
Another new show starting within the next week is His Dark Materials (UK: BBC One), but I’ll probably skip that. You never know though.
Mr InBetween
The regulars
Bar Stumptown, which took a day off last week, too, it’s the usual usual after the jump: Batwoman, Engrenages (Spiral), Evil, Magnum PI, Mr InBetween, Mr Robot, Titans, Total Control, Treadstone and Watchmen. I also watched a couple of Star Trek: Short Treks. And joining all of them is the returning Silicon Valley.