Happy Birthday, The Medium is Not Enough. Yes, nine years ago* – that’s right, you’ve been enduring this for nearly a decade – this blog emerged into the light of the Internet with its first two posts: previews of Prison Break, the not-unpopular Supernatural and the still-unseen Global Frequency; and tedious cruft about The Omega Factor. Surprisingly, both Supernatural and I are still here.
I’d like to thank everyone who commented and engaged with me this year, particularly Mark Carroll, Gareth Williams, GYAD, Toby, Rullsenberg, SK and benjitek, whose collective wisdom is greater than mine, so you should listen to them, assuming you’re not them.
As always, though, it’s time to do some market research: if you have any suggestions for what else you might like to see on the blog, please let me know below. I know I’ve not been fulfilling my promise to provide lots of pictures of Scarlett Johansson. Sorry. I’ll try harder next year.
Have a nice weekend (and, indeed, year),
PS That review of the dreadful Dominion might have to wait until next week…
* Well, actually, it’s nine years ago tomorrow, but I don’t blog at the weekends – that way lies madness and an early grave.