Summer’s here in earnest now, so not too much to watch, although a surprising number of US shows are about to hit us, so brace yourself. I’ll probably have reviews soon of the first couple of episodes of Pretty Little Liars and Persons Unknown soon, as well as reviews of the first eps of Rubicon and Hot in Cleveland, so I’ll steer clear of them for now. Otherwise:
- Burn Notice: That’s a bit more like it (last week’s). Lots of spy stuff and even the “client of the week” was a spy. Looks like he’s going to be a series regular for a while, judging by the Poochie-esque effort put into developing him. Am now less worried about the fourth season.
- Royal Pains: Medical mystery a bit harder to guess, but still a little obvious. Henry Winkler was fine, although his character is a little predictable. Jill and Hank stuff was great though – I was a bit worried the show was going to milk things for longer than necessary, but yey! It didn’t.
- Stargate Universe: The series finale. Interesting way to end it. You know almost everyone’s going to be back, but would they kill off a few regulars? Wouldn’t hurt. Can’t help but feel that the show seems to have either saved up a few series plot threads for next season (what happened to the guy in the chair? How did Ethan and co get back on the ship really?) or has chosen to ignore them, which would be a shame. Generally, a surprisingly good season, though, that picked up a lot in the second half, particularly when you think about what Stargate Atlantis was like in comparison. Looking forward to the next season, even if Robert Knepper is going to be the big bad by the looks of it – that guy gets all the evil parts.
But what have you been watching?
As always, no spoilers unless you’re going to use the <spoiler> </spoiler> tags, please. If you’ve reviewed something on your blog, you can put a link to it here rather than repeat yourself (although too many links and you might get killed by the spam filter).