Friday’s Sitting Tennant (week 8, 2010)

Erin C's Sitting Tennant

Karen's Sitting Tennant

Rachel's Sitting Tennant

Rullsenberg's Sitting Tennant

Sabine's Sitting Tennant

Sister Chastity's Sitting Tennant

Toby's Sitting Tennant

It’s Friday so that means it’s time for some tranquil pictures of David Tennant sitting down to help you while the weekend away. This week’s come from the usual generous group of Erin C, Karen, Rachel, Rullsenberg, Sabine, Sister Chastity and Toby, although Karen’s looks suspiciously like he’s merely crouching. We’ll generously assume there’s a very tiny seat out of shot.

Now a while ago (by which I mean a little over two weeks ago), I asked you all to keep an eye on me, because I knew I was going to cock up again. Well, Karen managed to disappear completely from the picture leaderboard for three whole Sitting Tennants and I’ve only just noticed.

You have to watch me like a hawk. Vigilance is the price of Sitting Tennant freedom: keep watching the leaderboard, remember to include your name in the filenames of any pictures you send in or else the Stalinists will win and erase you from the history books. That’s the moral of this story.

I think.

  1. Rullsenberg: 55
  2. Toby, Sister Chastity, Sabine: 45
  3. Karen: 35
  4. Erin C, Rachel: 20

Don’t forget Monday’s caption competition everyone!

Got a picture of David Tennant sitting, lying down or in some indeterminate state in between? Then leave a link to it below or email me and if it’s judged suitable, it will appear in the “Sitting Tennant” gallery. Don’t forget to include your name in the filename so I don’t get mixed up about who sent it to me.

The best pic in the stash each week will appear on Monday and get ten points; the runners up will appear on Friday (one per person who sends one in) and get five points.

You can also enter the witty and amusing captions league table by commenting on Monday’s Sitting Tennant photo, the best caption getting 10 points, everyone who contributes getting five points.