Bottoms. Ha, ha!
Flaps. Hee, hee!
Repeat for 20 minutes and you’ve pretty much got The Sarah Silverman Program. That’s maybe a little unfair — but only a little.
The show’s one of those programmes you want to like. The idea of a successful and talented comedienne not getting a cookie cutter sitcom in which she’s just the regular girl next day looking for love (cf Jenny McCarthy and Jenny, et al) is one that I applaud.
Instead, Silverman’s put together something that’s a third It’s Garry Shandling’s Show, a third Beavis and Butthead and a third concentrated Ricky Gervais. At times, it’s pretty funny.
But most of the time it’s something that, if I were 18, I would love but since I’m getting on for twice that age now, I can’t help but think is a little childish.
So for being uniformly not awful, not boring but still not that great, The Medium is Not Enough declares The Sarah Silverman Program to be a two or ‘Partial Caruso’ on The Carusometer quality scale. A Partial Caruso corresponds to a show with two walk-on cameos by David Caruso. Despite not being given one-liners by the script writer, he will attempt to ad lib his own. Fortunately, network censors delete them on quality and taste grounds, leaving behind just a vague rictus grin by Caruso before each commercial break.