Every Friday, TMINE lets you know when the latest TV shows from around the world will air in the UK
I needn’t have worried about running out of TV last time on What time, TMINE? Turns out, there’s plenty of TV still out there.
Oops, I missed it
Les Petits Meurtres D’Agatha Christie (France: France 2; UK: Acorn TV)
“Agatha Christie’s masterful storytelling gets a dash of French flair in these sexy, witty mysteries”. Allegedly. You’re much better off reading Mr Thierry Attard’s reviews…
Episodes one to three are available now.
Balthazar (France: TF1; UK: Acorn TV)
Suave, smart, and somewhat strange, Raphaël Balthazar (Tomer Sisley) can make the dead speak like no one else. As a forensic pathologist in Paris, he works with no-nonsense chief inspector Hélène Bach (Hélène de Fougerolles) to solve the city’s most disturbing crimes. But there’s one case that continues to haunt him – the murder of his wife more than a decade ago.
Only one acquisition this week that didn’t have a premiere date: TV 2 (Denmark) and Arte (France)’s DNA, which will air later in the year.
Full details of when and where you can watch Ted Lasso, Perry Mason, Spides, Sommerdahl (The Sommerdahl Murders), Sygeplejeskolen(The New Nurses), Noces rouges (A Deadly Union), Can You Hear Me? and El Presidente after the jump