An archive of blog entries about art

An archive of blog entries about art
If you’re a proud Mac user or you’ve download Yahoo!’s widget engine, take a trip to the Rijksmuseum’s web site: they’ve just launched a widget that shows you a different painting from the museum’s collection every day at the click of a button. Click another button and you get a little explanation of the painting and its history. Nice, huh?
Slate is showing an online slideshow exhibition of some of Munch’s best works, in celebration of a retrospective currently being held at New York’s Museum of Modern Art. Worth viewing if you don’t get a chance to see the real thing (and given MoMA’s not in Manhattan any more, that’s a whole lot more likely than it used to be).
Robert Hughes paints a slightly wordy but reasonably convincing case for Robert Rauschenberg as the best American artist of the 20th century, over in The Guardian. I think I probably agree with him, although Rauschenberg is certainly not the best artist of the 20th century overall. That honour belongs to Picasso, Dali or Bacon; I can’t decide which.
One thing I do recall from the last exhibit I saw of his (at the Guggenheim in New York, 1997) was his inordinate fondness for biros. Probably not what I was supposed to take away from it, but hey ho.
Wired is running a piece on how to spot art frauds using science. It also looks at superstar mathematician Dan Rockmore: is it even possible for a mathematician to be a superstar? And no, Charlie on Numb3rs doesn’t count.
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