A quick return of Tuesday’s late showing, but I’ve watched a few things since then:
- Channel 4’s Alternative Election Coverage: as this week’s QI also proved David Mitchell is obviously one of the smartest, if not the smartest and funniest men on TV at the moment, and is probably the inheritor of Steven Fry’s mantel. So what the hell was he doing on this? Charlie Brooker was great, of course, as was Mitchell, but Jimmy Carr filled time by making jokes about Gordon Brown’s eye and Lauren Laverne was just using up valuable oxygen the whole time. Oh dear.
- Chuck: I was expecting some Hart to Hart style fun, but this wasn’t it. A bit dull really, and Chuck’s now too much of a spy for my liking. On the other hand, Sarah’s actually getting a personality of her own and it’s good to see Ellie and Devon haven’t been forgotten, too.
- House: Blah bar the last minute.
- Lost: Shocking yet not shocking since who knows how much of this is going to stick, with the flashes sideways? Talking of which, they’re now the most interesting part of the show. But Smokey’s machinations were a joy to watch
- Outnumbered: Tried to watch it again. Still hated it – again. Clearly not the show for me, thanks to my loathing of every single member of the family, particularly the adults.
- Party Down: Still absolute rubbish. Why do people love it so? I say people. I mean 120,000 or so of you in the whole of the US.
- Watchdog: Ha ha ha ha ha. Where else can you see famous Welsh singer Katherine Jenkins going out to Afghanistan to investigate the terrible mobile phone networks for forcing members of the armed forces to pay their phone bills when they’ve been deployed at short notice on the front line and haven’t got a letter of proof from their commanding officers – and then finish the report with “and since that report was made, all the mobile phone companies have changed their policies on this”.
But what did you watch?
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