Ever since BBC7 pumped Big Finish full of cash so they’d produce a range of original eighth Doctor audio plays to break up the constant repeats of Lionel Nimrod’s Inexplicable World, Sheridan Smith as Lucie Miller has been the companion du jour for Paul McGann – it was only a matter of time before India Fisher’s Charley Pollard was shown the TARDIS exit, although through the mysteries of temporal mechanics she’s now going to be a companion of the sixth Doctor, starting with Condemned (review coming soon, I promise).
Following Charley’s departure in The Girl Who Never Was, we now have the second season of Lucie stories. Whoopdy doo. It’s not that I dislike Sheridan Smith – I think she’s pretty good in Two Pints…, although you’d be hard pressed to fit a fag paper in between her performance in that and these audio plays – it’s just I really don’t like Lucie.
I’m trying to work out why. So far, my list of arbitrary reasons includes
- her being one-dimensional and despite the massive wodges of Rose-esque familial development, she doesn’t come across as a real person, just the sort of person who appears in Radio 4 plays
- she perpetuates the stereotype of Northerners being thick, workshy whingers who are full of themselves and only like to argue. This, I must emphasis because it’s the Internet, IS NOT TRUE
- she doesn’t really bring anything to the party in terms of skillset. What, as they probably asked her at the career fair, can you actually do?
Not especially great as a list, but hey ho.
Whether it’s because it was all slapped together in a hurry or it was for BBC7, the first season of Lucie stories was a touch uninspiring. As I remarked at the end of Human Resources:
As a whole, the season’s been okay. Sheridan Smith has been a memorable companion, if a little too Peri-esque in the level of bickering. Paul McGann’s performance has been variable, but good on the whole. The big names in the guest cast have been uniformly excellent, even if the minor players haven’t. The plots haven’t really yielded any memorable villains or monsters and there’s been a little too much silliness. Not bad over all, though, and certainly the best thing BBC7’s done for a while.
Dead London, however, is actually quite good. Not brilliant, a bit confusing, but well paced and moderately entertaining. Whether that’s because it doesn’t have any BBC7 involvement, I don’t know.
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