I’m out and about again. There may be more later, assuming I don’t die in the snow.
- Some piccies from the new Transformers movie.
British TV
- ITV has launched an off-air campaign to promote Primeval. OTT has a review of the first episode.
- 24, Supernatural, Lost, Heroes: Ask Auriello has a few spoilers
- 24: Kiefer Sutherland is to voice a Jack Bauer-esque character for The Simpsons.
- Battlestar Galactica: Is one of the regulars a Cylon? [spoilers]
- Bones: Stephen Fry is to guest in a multi-episode arc.
- Dirt: Jennifer Aniston’s character is going to be gay.
- Heroes: A new character has been cast.
- The Class: It might get a second season after all.
- More pilots. And more.
- Ratings: which one won on Monday: 24 or Heroes? Actually, it was Two and a Half Man.