Jordan is in talks to co-host Channel 4’s forthcoming breakfast show.
Year: 2005
The Tom is now a knight
Da iawn, Sir Jones!
I’m guessing they haven’t watched the original
Variety reports that Fox is to remake The Worst Week of My Life. Wow. Desperate for new programmes or what?

The most popular British comedy sketch in Germany – and you probably won’t have heard of it
It’s called Dinner for One (oder Der 90 Geburtstag), is the most repeated TV programme ever, yet has never aired on British television since it was made in 1963. But every New Year, half the German population sits down to watch it (and you can, too, by clicking on the picture).
Next time I’m in Berlin, I’ll have to try “The same procedure as every year, James,” and see what happens. Until then, Glückliches Neues Jahr Deutschland!

What Charlie did next
In case you’re wondering what Charlie Skelton, Space Cadet, has been up to since he returned to Earth, you may be interested to know he’s set up his own company.
It doesn’t actually do anything, this company. But apparently he likes the idea of things such as team-bonding exercises and outwards bounds courses and doesn’t get that kind of experience any more, even though he’s a contracted writer for Endemol. This way he gets to enjoy the perks of company life without having to actually do contracted employee things full-time.
Nice bit of lateral thinking, Charlie. Sign me up for the white-water rafting!