Perpetual Grace

Perpetual Grace LTD cancelled; Åtta månader adaptation; + more

Every weekday, TMINE brings you the latest TV news from around the world

Internet TV

Canadian TV

  • CTV green lights: series of parents’ lost lives comedy Children Ruin Everything

European TV

Nordic TV

Spanish TV


US TV show casting

New US TV shows

New US TV show casting

Wes Bentley and Kelly Reilly in Yellowstone

What time, TMINE? Including Yellowstone and Perpetual Grace LTD

Every Friday, TMINE lets you know when the latest TV shows from around the world will air in the UK

There have been a fair few premiere dates announced since last we met, but let’s not dwell on the past – let’s focus on the important ones. That’s the ones announced this week.

We’ve also had one other acquisition – TBS (US)’s Miracle Workers, which new channel Sky Comedy has picked up. That might be available as a boxset come Monday January 27. Or it might not.

Follow me, though, to learn the premiere dates of Yellowstone, Perpetual Grace LTD, Hunters, October Faction, Mythic Quest: Raven’s Banquet, and Locke and Key.

Continue reading “What time, TMINE? Including Yellowstone and Perpetual Grace LTD”
Perpetual Grace

Perpetual Grace LTD acquired; American Horror Story renewed; + more

Every weekday, TMINE brings you the latest TV news from around the world

Internet TV

  • Trailer for Netflix’s October Faction

French TV



US TV show casting

New US TV shows

New US TV show casting

Krampus in Der Pass
Streaming TV

It’s that moment you’ve all been waiting for: it’s the TMINE Top N programmes of 2019!

As usual at this time of year, TMINE is busily packing its bags to get ready for its annual Christmas break. We’re not there yet, though, as everything will continue until Thursday at least, although I have a Christmas party to go to on Friday so who knows what’ll happen then?

However, barring minor miracles, there’ll be no more shows that are both new and excellent for me to review this year, which means I can at last unveil TMINE’s Top N programmes of 2019, where N is a positive integer that you can guess, if you want. You haven’t got long. Just a few paragraphs in fact.

Here are previous years’ Top Ns:

I will say at this point, though, that despite the expansion in streaming services this year, N<14 for 2019. And for about the first half of the year, it looked like it wouldn’t be more than a handful. However, things have perked up since.

That’s all the clues you’re getting, mind.

There are other TV shows

As always, the caveat:

I’ve not watched every TV programme broadcast or acquired in the UK this year and I barely watched any live TV, so there are almost certainly some good shows that that I’ve left off the list. And, of course, there are a few shows that started well but I’ve not finished yet, so aren’t eligible for the list.

So best not to think of this as the definitive “Best new TV shows from all the shows that have aired around the world of 2019”, so much as just the “Top TV shows I would recommend to a friend of the ones I’ve reviewed in 2019”.

Old stuff is good

I should also point out that this is all the new shows that have hit TMINE’s TV-viewing radar this year, and it’s worth remembering that sometimes the best TV can come from people who have already been making great TV.

So honourable mentions for the following ineligible shows that have continued to provide me with considerable viewing pleasure this year:

  • Le bureau des légendes (The Bureau) (France: Canal+; UK: Sundance TV) – seasons three and four
  • Dark (Netflix) – season two
  • Engrenages (Spiral) (France: Canal+; UK: BBC Four) – season eight
  • Impulse (YouTube) – season two
  • Legion (US: FX; UK: Fox UK) – season three

Drum roll, please

But now, to the Top N of 2019. As always, feel free to leave your own recommendations in the comments, on your own blog or on the TMINE Facebook page.

Continue reading “It’s that moment you’ve all been waiting for: it’s the TMINE Top N programmes of 2019!”

What have you been watching? Including Glitch and False Flag

It’s “What have you been watching?”, your chance to recommend to fellow TMINE readers anything you’ve been watching this week

As we’re on the reduced August TMINE schedule still, last week’s previous WHYBW was mainly a chance for you all to recommend shows you’ve been watching and for me to catch up with the regulars in the viewing queue. I’ve done that now, so expect plenty of Boxsets and reviews in the next week or so.

But today, I’m going to focus on looking at the final episodes of all the shows that were in the regulars list before I went on holiday: Departure, Legion, Perpetual Grace LTD and Swamp Thing.

However, a few previous regulars returned to the airwaves/broadband connections in the past month, so I’ll also be looking at the new seasons of both False Flag and Glitch.

See you in a mo.

Continue reading “What have you been watching? Including Glitch and False Flag”