Reviews of new US TV programmes from 2010

Review: Outsourced 1×1
In the US: Thursdays, 9.30/8.30c, NBC
In the UK: Not yet acquired
We’re going to have to tread lightly here. So…
Outsourcing is a phenomenon which sees businesses transfer some of the things they do to other countries, most famously call centres. Someone has to run those call centres, and sometimes it’s a local, sometimes it’s someone sent over from the home country. One of the biggest countries for providing outsourcing services is India.
There. I made it through an entire paragraph without being too controversial. Because Outsourced, NBC’s new comedy show is a great big hot potato that sees an American company fire its call centre and blackmail the centre’s manager into going over to India to run the outsourced call centre. There he meets a motley collection of misfits as well as another American call centre manager who’s been there a few years and a cute Australian call centre manager he’d like to get to know better (Pippa Black from Neighbours).
Still not too controversial?
Well, let’s just say there are a few cultural clashes and a few stereotypes in the mix as well.
Cue the trailer: