Doctor Who
- Newsround picks up on the “Saxon” hints that are sure to become something in the third series.
- David Tennant’s web site reckons there’s going to be a Christmas special this year as well.
- One lucky autistic kid’s been given a TARDIS for his back garden.
- The next Young James Bond book is to be called Double or Die.
- Jason Isaacs and Lee Evans are to star in a West End revival of Harold Pinter’s The Dumb Waiter, to coincide with the play’s 50th anniversary.
British TV
- The cast of Green Wing are going to be in Virgin Megastore, Piccadilly on Monday at 6pm to sign their ‘special’ DVD.
- ITV is finally getting itself a decent web presence.
- Primeval now has itself a press release as well as an official web page, complete with trailer. [via Rullsenberg]
- Italian/US TV arrives in Britain: ITV’s Men and Motors channel is to air an amateur stripping show from the US.
- ITV is hoping to get half its revenue from sources other than ITV1 – mostly the US though. [subscription required]
- British celebrities are being given science lessons so that they avoid backing stupid causes.