Question of the week: is the medium enough?

This week, gentle reader, I ask you the following question:

Despite the title of this ‘ere blog, is the medium enough? Are you satisfied merely to watch a TV programme or do you need more?

In this exciting age of "360° commissioning", in which mobile phone content, podcasts, YouTube channels, books, DVD extras, games and more aren’t just add-ons but designed as part of the production company pitch to networks, is a lot of time being wasted? Do you not care to follow your favourite characters on Twitter? Is that Facebook page never going to be friended? Do you simply want to sit back, relax and watch the tele?

Or have you been going to the Heroes web site for the graphic novels, games and webisodes? Did you download the TARDIS mobisodes? Have you already ordered all the Being Human original novels?

And does your answer depend on whether a show has finished or not? Is the Buffy comic vital reading now? Are the Big Finish Doctor WhoDark Shadows and Stargate SG-1 plays on subscription in your house, because that’s the only way to get more new content these days?

As always, leave a comment with your answer or a link to your answer on your own blog.